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Coyotes was published in 1987 |
CONOVER'S website: www.tedconover.com
CONOVER talk (March 2010 Presentation) with links to text and video clips @ Zocalo Public Square
[Note: if Zocalo link does not take you there, try search at Zocalo home page.]
This interview was conducted in 2011. Conover published Coyotes in 1987.
Conover wrote "A Snitch’s Dilemma," about Alex White for The New York Times Magazine, June 29, 2012. If there was ever a "secrets, lies and spies" story, this is it. Here's the first paragraph:
If you like, read the rest of Conover's story about Alex "the Snitch" White, a member of the Black Mafia Family, and "Behind the Cover Story: Ted Conover on the Murky World of the Snitch" for Conover's point-of-view about his article.
Conover also has a report on a slaughterhouse in Harper's, May 2013.
From Harper's May 2013 issue
The Way of All Flesh
Undercover in an industrial slaughterhouse
By Ted Conover
Here's the first two paragraphs:
The cattle arrive in perforated silver trailers called cattle pots that let in wind and weather and vent out their hot breath and flatus. It’s hard to see inside a cattle pot. The drivers are in a hurry to unload and leave, and are always speeding by. (When I ask Lefty how meat gets bruised, he says, “You ever see how those guys drive?”) The trucks have come from feedlots, some nearby, some in western Nebraska, a few in Iowa. The plant slaughters about 5,100 cattle each day, and a standard double-decker cattle pot holds only about forty, so there’s a constant stream of trucks pulling in to disgorge, even before the line starts up a little after six a.m.
First the cattle are weighed. Then they are guided into narrow outdoor pens angled diagonally toward the entrance to the kill floor. A veterinarian arrives before our shift and begins to inspect them; she looks for open wounds, problems walking, signs of disease. When their time comes, the cattle will be urged by workers toward the curving ramp that leads up into the building. The ramp has a roof and no sharp turns. It was designed by the livestock expert Temple Grandin, and the curves and penumbral light are believed to soothe the animals in their final moments. But the soothing goes only so far.
The story continues at Harper's, but it only offers limited access to its magazine online, including the above Conover article. You may be able to find the full-text through EbscoHost, a database available through the PCC Shatford Library.
John Moore/Getty Images
A flag marks the spot where the remains of a person believed
to have been an immigrant were found in Falfurrias, Texas, in May 2013.
Published in The New York Times, September 22, 2013
to have been an immigrant were found in Falfurrias, Texas, in May 2013.
Published in The New York Times, September 22, 2013
"Bodies on the Border" by Marc Silver, The New York Times, August 17, 2013:
This summer, as discussions have advanced around a comprehensive immigration reform bill, I traveled to Arizona to film some people who have a unique perspective on border security. I followed Dr. Bruce Anderson, a forensic anthropologist with the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner, who has worked to identify the remains of some 2,200 people found dead in the Arizona desert since 1990 — undocumented migrants who attempted to cross illicitly from Central America and Mexico into the United States. And I followed Robin Reineke, a University of Arizona doctoral student in anthropology who founded the Missing Migrant Project, a nongovernmental organization that helps families look for their missing relatives.
http://nyti.ms/16xBGuN. This issued is covered further in "Bodies Pile Up in Texas as Immigrants Adopt New Routes Over Border", The New York Times, September 22, 2013.
"At the Border, on the Night Watch" by Marc Lacey, The New York Times, October 12, 2011
DOUGLAS, Ariz. — The lanky young man with two bales of marijuana slung over his back who was apprehended by Border Patrol agents in a rugged area about a mile from the border here one recent night represented both the significant strides the country has made in controlling its southern border and the challenges that remain.
To read the rest of this article, click here.
The Heartache of an Immigrant Family
The New York Times
Published: October 14, 2013
LOS ANGELES — WHEN we talk about immigration to America, we tell a hopeful story about courage and sacrifice. But that story obscures the fact that, especially for the poor, immigration is often a traumatizing event, one that tears families apart.
Consider the experience of one family, originally from Honduras. In 1989, Lourdes Pineda was the single mother of a 5-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl. She sold tortillas, plantains and used clothes door to door, but barely earned enough to feed her children, and feared not being able to send them to school past the sixth grade. So she made the painful decision to leave them behind in Honduras, and found work in the United States as a nanny, taking care of other people’s children.
To read the rest of this article, go to The Heartache of an Immigrant Family
from The New York Times, April 4, 2013
No More 'Illegal Immigrants'
by Lawrence Downes
The Associated Press has changed its stylebook entry on the term “illegal immigrant.” It now reads, in part:
“Except in direct quotes essential to the story, use illegal only to refer to an action, not a person: illegal immigration, but not illegal immigrant.”
The new usage should quickly become apparent to readers of the thousands of newspapers and news web sites that follow, or try to follow, the AP’s rules.
Read the rest of this New York Times article here.
Also, the "L.A. Times updates guidelines for covering immigration".
10 miles east of Douglas, Ariz. by Aldo Zúñiga, May 2012 (The New York Times)
More New York Times readers photographs of the border can be found here.
PLEASE NOTE FILM #2: Yadira Easley, 1A student and a great fan of documentaries, told me about this one, Life and Death on the Border, that is a perfect film complement to Coyotes. (Thanks, Yadira!)
PLEASE NOTE MORE FILMS about the immigrant experience. These were recommended by English 1A students Jose Quiroz, Cindy Huerta, Christine Ching, and Mathieu Mathet. (Am I forgetting anyone?) The films: Under the Same Moon, Crossing Over, Sin Nombre, and Cavite.) A big thank you to Jose, Cindy, Christine and Mathieu!
PLEASE NOTE MORE FILMS about the immigrant experience. These were recommended by English 1A students Jose Quiroz, Cindy Huerta, Christine Ching, and Mathieu Mathet. (Am I forgetting anyone?) The films: Under the Same Moon, Crossing Over, Sin Nombre, and Cavite.) A big thank you to Jose, Cindy, Christine and Mathieu!
You may print these out, if you like
1. Discuss the section “A Note on Translation”. Why would Conover use the terms “illegal alien” and “undocumented” when he says that he tries “to avoid both labels.” Why would the term “illegal aliens” appear in the subtitle? What term do you prefer to use—“illegal aliens,” “undocumented worker,” etc., to describe the subjects of the book. Explain.
2. See page xviii and the first full paragraph and the following sentence: “What La Migra does not know—what it perhaps cannot afford to know—is the more human side of the men and women it arrests, the drama of their lives.” What is Conover’s point here? In which ways does Conover's book best address the "human side." Why?
3. After Conover says “What La Migra . . . “ (as quoted #2, above), he makes a distinction between a story and a policy book. Though he claims he is only writing the former, explain the difference between the terms. Based on what you’ve read so far, do you agree with Conover that his book is mainly a story? Or not? Why? What impact do you think his book could have on American immigration policy?
4. Conover could have opened his book in many different ways. He could have told his reader about how he prepared for this writing assignment, or his trip to Mexico from the United States, or where he grew up, among other approaches. Why do you think he selected Alonso to open Coyotes? How would you describe the relationship between Alonso and Conover?
5. Point out at least three different examples of Conover’s and the workers’ reaction to police officers (and other uniformed personnel.) Explain how these different reactions may or may not be the central conflict that Conover faces as a reporter. Note his experience with Alonso crossing the border, with Carlos and the others at the airports, and additional examples that you identify.
6. By the end of “The Gringo and the Mexicano” chapter—and subsequent chapters—do you trust Conover as a reporter? You must point to specific examples to support your position.
7. By befriending the Mexican workers as a reporter and telling their story, has Conover intruded on their lives strictly for his own benefit? Discuss your position with specific examples from the book.
8. Why does Conover describe the workers on page 42 as “professionals”? Do you agree with his assessment? Why or Why not?
9. Point out examples where Conover is naïve. Does this quality help or harm him as he works as a reporter? Explain.
10. In the “Welcome to L.A.” chapter Conover describes the relationships between different racial groups. Point out at least three stereotypes—and the notion of “team”—that he faces and describes in the chapter. Does he succeed in upending these stereotypes through his reporting? Explain.
11. Conover published this book in 1987. Does the “Welcome to L.A.” chapter present a different society, especially with regard to race and the “team,” than what you know about race issues today in Los Angeles County? Discuss.
12. Discuss at least three things that surprised you about Coyotes and the story Conover has told.
13. Define the notion of work in your own words. Illustrate your definition with several examples from Coyotes.
We don't have time review in-class "Making the Border Less Enticing to Cross," which appeared in the Los Angeles Times, April 8, 2012. But read it if you have a chance. On the same page, see links to other articles regarding immigration.
Questions posted by English 1A, Fall 2012:
Anna Dawahara, Michelle Burton, Rick Thurnell, Christine Ching:
1.) Compare the ways women are treated in Ahuacatlan and the ways Conover treats women. (p. 158, 165)
2.) What are the Mexican's expectations for America? (p. 138-139)
William Cheng, Rebeka Carrasco, Jose Quirzo:
1. On page 86, Carlos says to Conover "Welcome to LA! Welcome to the Hispanic team!" After hearing this statement which side do you believe Ted is on? Neutral or Biased side.
2. Throughout the book both the coyotes and the Mexican police are predators and prey on the weak. What are some of the things they did and how? Did it change your perspective of the undocumented workers? What other struggles not mentioned in the book do you believe the workers may have had to gone through just to get these low paying jobs in the US?
Jodi Shou, Alex Garcia, Cindy Huerta,Valerie Arellano:
1. How does Conover seem to earn the trust of groups, such as the orchard pickers, so easily? What makes it so easy for him to integrate into another person's lifestyle? Offer at least five examples from the book. (Pg. 36, etc.)
2. In the "The Gringo and the Mexican" chapter, Conover is denied a construction job while Alonso, his undocumented friend, is offered it. How does Conover take it and what does his reaction show? Does this seem like an accurate response for the opposition to immigration policies? (Pg. 28-29)
Jon, Jactel, Tarik and 1 more student:
1. Conover is repeatedly met with suspicion, and mistrust again and again from Mexicans and coyotes (16, 56). However, he consistently seems to win them over. What is it about Conover that makes him seem trustworthy? What does it say about the Mexican workers that they are willing to trust Conover?
2. Why was Conover never directly accused of being a smuggler or a coyote, but his Mexican companions are met with constant suspicion? Taruk, Jaquetelle, Jon, and we had one more, but we did not write our names down. on English 1A: CONOVER & COYOTES
from McCabe:
1. Humorous moments appear in Conover's Coyotes. Identify five humorous moments in the book, and explain how humor helps Conover's desire to show the "human side of the men and women [the INS] arrests, the drama of their lives" (xviii).

Conover with some of the men who crossed at Sonoita, AZ, north of Nogales, Mexico |
1) What are some cultural norms that take Conover by surprise? Is he able to adapt, and how?
ReplyDelete2) Does Conover's bias influence his interactions and presentation of his work? (aka "sugar coat")
3) How does Conover's gender shape his experience? (interactions with others, ability to go on the journey, etc)
4) Both Mexicans and White people think Conover is crazy for doing the work he did. What are each of their reasons for thinking so?
5) (just for fun) Given the opportunity, would you go on a journey like Conover's? What about other investigative journalism? Where would you go and why?
-Omri Avraham, Adrian Chan, Zoyra Pardini
:) I like your group's questions! Number 3 & 5 are great!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1. Father Thomas Cano says to Ted, “No grater disaster has befallen Ahuacatlan since the conquest,” yet he also talks about Ahuacatlans financial benefits. What do consider a grater benefit money or family unity? Pg.167-169
ReplyDelete2. Mexican’s in the United States are exploited because of their illegal status. Do you find it relevant to what Mexicans are doing to the Central American people? Pg.196-196
3. Carlos's uncle Candido gives his two children that were born in the US American names as opposed to "Mexican names" because he says, "they are American" (105). Do you think having American names will given them an advantage over having mexican names?
4. Ted talks to a Salvadorian woman in a bar who tells him her biggest wish is for a green card, do you think that many people have put their happiness aside for a "hollow marriage" and the chance to receive a green card? (97-99)
5. Ted states that, “the gap between a Guerreran and a Sinaloan, for example, is probably wider than that which separates a U.S. Southerner and a New Yorker.” If illegal Mexicans are working for the same purpose, does this “gap” interfere with each other’s relationship? (39)
6. When Nate fired Victor, Ted thinks that because he is white he “might escape the wrath.” Does this mean that Ted feels superiority over all the workers because of skin color even though he has admitted that the Mexican workers are more productive than him? (47)
Ana, Bianca, Gabrielle
1.Based on Conover’s experience with immigrant Mexicans, he was able to conclude that most immigrants were uneducated and came to America just to work. Twenty-five years later can we still conclude that Conover’s perception still holds and that most immigrants that come to America are uneducated?
ReplyDelete2.Conover’s notes the aggression and stereotyping of against Hispanic immigrants from other minorities such as blacks and Chicanos. Does this aggression and hostility toward immigrants still exist today? Are the aggressors still the same or have they changed from Conover’s time?
3.Does the good outweigh the bad results when Father Tomás Cano states, “No greater disaster has befallen Ahuacatlán since the conquest,” in reference to Mexican emigration to the United States?
4.Why does Conover change from 1st person to storyteller when describing Juanito’s, son of Hilario and Lupe, journey during the “In the Land of Avocados” chapter?
5.Do you think another writer would be as succsessful as Conover if he or she decided on such a journey that he faced with Coyotes?
*bonus question*
6.There are a lot of journalists that have gotten interrogated or arrested for their investigative work. Do you think that Conover has been questioned by authorities about the people that he had encountered and the places that he had stayed?
Fabiola Macias, Michael Palomarez, January Roan
1. By the end of "In the Land of Avocados" Conover writes that "the men were leaving on a right of passage." Why would he explain the immigrant's journey across the border that way?
ReplyDelete2. Why did Lupe approach Ted with her feelings about her husband leaving to the United States? Conover notes in the beginning of the book that he has yet to gain the trust of a Mexican woman. Was there something that Conover did or said that could have made him trustworthy in Lupe's perspective?
3. On page 172 Conover describes two nicely dressed couples. Why were they so nicely dressed and why did they greet Conover with such enthusiasm?
4.Conover states that the reason for his travels with Mexican immigrants is to get people to know "the human side of man". Was traveling with the immigrants as one of their own the best way to do so, or are the other, more accurate ways of doing so? Why, or why not? And what are they?
5.Because Conover wanted the people to see the more "human side of man" when it came to the topic of "illegal aliens", he endeavored on a trip with the immigrants to document their struggles of crossing the border. During the process, however, Conover had to assimilate his ways to those of the Mexicans in order to be accepted. Could one argue that Conover's assumption as one of the immigrants played with his ego, limiting his observations? Why, or why not? Provide examples from the story.
-Michelle Reid, Kendra Villa, Michael Gillam
1) What lesson did Conover learn when he was in the donut shop and got hit in the face by the other white guy?
ReplyDelete2) What revelation did Conover get from Emilio on his trip to Florida?
3)What was the importance of prostitution among Mexican men?
4) Explain the qualities/traits needed to endure the hard times of the immigrants wanting to cross the border.
5) Do you think that once an immigrant crosses over to America that there is more opportunity for them as they think? Considering how you see immigrants now in America waiting to be picked up by strangers for work and knowing minimal english.
-Lauren Richard, Rodolfo Bueno, Rocky Tavera
I came across this documentary made a couple of years ago about migrant labor in the U.S. relevant to what we are reading in Coyotes. I recommend checking out the 18 min clip on youtube. It is called "American Harvest" and there is also a website on it. It is another eye opener about this topic.
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1A T/Th 9:15
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip! I'll have to check it out.
--Christopher McCabe
english 1a: group#3
ReplyDelete1.) Compare the ways women are treated in Ahuacatlan and the ways Conover treats women. (p. 158, 165)
2.) What are the Mexican's expectations for America? (p. 138-139)
- Anna Dawahara, Michelle Burton, Rick Thurnell, Christine Ching
William Cheng, Rebeka Carrasco, Jose Quirzo
ReplyDelete1. On page 86, Carlos says to Conover "Welcome to LA! Welcome to the Hispanic team!" After hearing this statement which side do you believe Ted is on? Neutral or Biased side.
2. Throughout the book both the coyotes and the Mexican police are predators and prey on the weak. What are some of the things they did and how. Did it change your perspective of the undocumented workers? What other struggles not mentioned in the book do you believe the workers may have had to gone through just to get these low paying jobs in the US.
Group 2: Jodi Shou, Alex Garcia, Cindy Huerta,Valerie Arellano
ReplyDelete1. How does Conover seem to earn the trust of groups, such as the orchard pickers, so easily? What makes it so easy for him to integrate into their lifestyle? (Pg.36)
2. In the "The Gringo and the Mexican" chapter, Conover is denied a construction job while Alonso, his illegal alien friend, is presented with it. How does Conover take it and what does his reaction show? Does this seem like an accurate response for the opposition to immigration policies? (Pg. 28-29)
Thanks to all of the above groups for posting their questions. A special thanks to posters Christine Ching, William Cheng and Jodi Shou.
ReplyDelete--Christopher McCabe
1.Conover is repeatedly met with suspicion, and mistrust again and again from Mexicans and coyotes (16, 56). However he consistently seems to win them over. What is it about Conover that makes him seem trustworthy? What does it say about the Mexican workers that they are willing to trust Conover?
ReplyDelete2. Why was Conover never directly accuses of being a smuggler or a coyote, but his Mexican companions are met with constant suspicion?
Taruk, Jaquetelle, Jon, and we had one more, but we did not write out names down.
Lydia Wang
ReplyDeleteMaddie Bailey
Jesus Sanchez
Alejandro Cruz
1. Since Conover helps Mexicans get in to LA, do u consider Conover is a Coyote? Why or why not?
2. What would it be like if the trip was done today? Would Conover even be willing to take the men to LA? Would the Mexicans trust him in today's situation?
Why doesn't Ted Conover stay in one particular place? What drives him to do all of this work?
1) Through Ted's encounters and experiences on his travels, what feelings or opinions does he have forthe illegal immigrants? (EX: In the orange/lemon field, as he works with people like Carlos, does he have feelings of respect for them? Does he think they're lazy? Etc.)
ReplyDelete2) Why does Ted want to show the reality of the lives of illegal immigrants and help them to come to the U.S to have what is known as the "American Dream"
Jin S.Thao K., Kyle Lin, Ary Osorio
Just for a gag, there is a movie "Bowfinger" where Steve Martin employs illegal cross borders from Mexico as cheap labor film crew. it is a very hilarious movie. And another thing, I remember a while ago I learned from a movie (which I don't remember the title) about nickname used by immigration officers for these border crossers from Mexico as Dry Foot and the ones from Cuba as Wet Foot. Because Mexican come from land border and Cuban come from sea. However, it is a mixed understanding I found later on that wet foot and dry foot is an immigration policy for Cuban. http://immigration.about.com/od/immigrationlawandpolicy/a/U-S-Allows-Cuban-Migrants-Different-Treatment.htm
ReplyDeleteArguing on illegal immigration.
ReplyDeleteIn late 70s after Vietnam war, groups of boat people were adrift all over the world as refugees from Communism in Vietnam had shaped world view on immigration. They travelled thousands miles in small boats from Vietnam to Asia, Australia, America, and Europe. The stories of Vietnamese boat people were tragic and horrifying, roamed in vast ocean weeks even months, countless died. Stories had been told, shortage of food supplies in those small boats, forced the survivors to practice cannibalism to survive.
Trying not to contest with the coyotes on which one is more troubled, again I am stating on immigration, legal or illegal always be a complex affair and not a simple case to assess. Amongst other things, illegal immigration also related to economy factors and causes ripple effects to other social issues once not treated wisely and compassionately.
To show such humanitarian gestures, the United States government always actively and continuously involves in immigration processes and shown in efforts of Diversity Visa Lottery every year randomly given to whom selected by computer, or providing certain types of visa more than any other countries in the world. These efforts are to show as a great nation the United States embraces diversity of all. Anyway, everything needs to be regulated to work.
Globalization never becomes an excuse to abolish border systems nor discriminating lawfully residency awarded individual for his rights. It is just ignorant, letting everybody swarms in without due process. I believe without immigration law, borders demolished and the legal process discontinued, the United States becomes chaotic and anarchy emerges in less than a year maybe sooner. Just the sake of argument that everybody has rights to move and stay anywhere they like without limitation. Take an example in the smallest scale, our home, we may take guests and shelter them indefinitely according to decency of sharing and flourishing the generous heritage we inherited from the founding fathers, though we would not just apply open door policy and let “outsiders” take over what have been built and cherished through generations.
One particular thing I would like to add, I am not in favor with the term of “alien”. The term needs to be replaced with more dignifying term, “resident” is more suitable when there is no other better word to describe the “noun”. Through my understanding in linguistic way, I beg for correction where I mistakenly understand, if there is “illegal aliens” in the opposite there are “legal aliens”. I believe nobody who is legally naturalized would rather be called “alien” instead of American. Beside the United States constitutions do not recognize second-grade citizens, likewise former president Ronald Reagan ever quoted,
“I received a letter just before I left office from a man. I don’t know why he chose to write it, but I’m glad he did. He wrote that you can go to live in France, but you can’t become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Italy, but you can’t become a German, an Italian. He went through Turkey, Greece, Japan and other countries. But he said anyone, from any corner of the world, can come to live in the United States and become an American.”~ Ronald Reagan
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for your comments. I enjoyed having a chance to read what you have to say.
Thank you, prof.